
Chatbot Creation

Chatbots and live chat will help you convert leads faster

Increase website conversions and sales with real-time interactions using Chatbots.

Improve customer satisfaction

At each stage of the buying process, create quicker and more personalized customer experiences to achieve the goals

Improve the customer experience.

The customer experience is improved by providing them with the info they need.

Immediate response to customer requirements

Customers want immediate responses to their inquiries. A Chatbot, also known as a live chat, is that responds to the needs of today’s customers and prospects.

Increase the conversion rate

Visitors who use the chat feature are 5 times more valuable than those who do not, according to research.

Identifying the goals

The first step is to figure out what we want to achieve. What do we hope to accomplish with our chat feature?

Conversation flows are being tested

We check with a number of users in this process to see if our flows are right or if anything is missing.

Creating a blueprint for a discussion

This method involves determining which steps and interactions between the organization and its customers should take place. What systems are involved, and where are the disruptions?

Guidelines for drafting

It’s important to define standards so that everyone speaks with the same tone of voice.

Producing content and writing scripts

We begin writing the various scripts and creating the content once the processes and constraints are identified.


We check to see if the goals are being met once the live chat and Chatbot are up and running. Where possible, we make changes.

Three of the most common Facebook Messenger bot builders are listed below. They’re not only simple to use, but they’re also free with minimal functionality: (Most Famous)

  1. ManyChat is one of the most common Facebook Messenger chatbots. It may also be the most, if not the most, feature for sending message previews, and unlimited broadcasting on its free plan ManyChat offers a wide variety of messaging options, including regular text and picture messaging, as well as the ability to create cards, which combine pictures and text.
  2. MobileMonkey is a web-based application that allows you. Facebook Messenger chatbots are the #1 growth marketing channel for the next 5-10 years,” says Larry Kim, founder and CEO of MobileMonkey. If we are to believe this, then Chatbots are critical for any business owners and marketers who communicate through Facebook Messenger.
  3. Chatfuel started on Telegram when it was established. However, as Facebook’s digital marketing platform increased in popularity, the company’s focus shifted to assisting people in creating Messenger Chatbots

Chatfuel has a lot of great features. However, if you are on their “Pro” plan, you can export the Messenger IDs of all your subscribers into a spreadsheet, which is a useful and special function.

Currently 6 types of major Chatbots is there

  1. Bots with pre-programmed responses (scripted/quick response)
  2. Chatbots with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  3. Service / Action Chatbot
  4. Chatbots for Social Messaging
  5. Context Enabled Chatbots 
  6. Voice-Assistant Chatbots

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