Web Design & Development

web design & development

Web Design & Development

To design a website all we need the skill to prepare with strategies along with an effort to attract customers as well as people (followers).

As the digital era is taking part in online business most people are showing interest in running their websites to rule their kingdom to get success in their careers.

To get one good opportunity you need one guide/guider like GentleDig.com to give you motivation and make your business so comfortable with all security.

If the design and site are user-friendly then it is easy to earn more income.

Web design & development is a bit tough nowadays for people who are just planning and searching but it is easy for our people (who are mingled with GentleDig.com).

Our team will assist you in the shortest period along with all the requirements of our beloved customers.

Meanwhile, you should know how the things behind been plays the role in Web design and development:

There are some steps (phases) under this   

Phase1 – Need to gather information about the site.
Phase2 – Needs good planning.
Phase3 – Needs a nice design with attractive themes, powerful words.
Phase4 – Needs to develop the website with all requirements to be fitted.
Phase5 – Needs Testing, maintenance with good along with fast loading and delivery.
Also, we have different parts for website design in web development.
Applications – social, electronic, education projects.


 To reach your destination mixed with collaborations to get customer/software satisfaction.


Our Web professionals will design HTML (hypertext mark-up language), CSS (cascading style sheets), WordPress, PHP, Bootstrap, SQL in static and dynamic websites, eCommerce, UX/UI as per the client’s requests.

 UX / UI Overview

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are two terms that describe how your website works from the homepage through the finish line (contact us or checkout). They should be user-friendly and assist visitors in understanding the value you provide.

By connecting clients and potential customers to your services and products, UX and UI help you get a return on your online marketing effort and improve your bottom line.

Every website and landing page demands careful planning and a comprehension of the web development and design principles. The goal is to create an appealing, logical UX and UI that will make search engines delighted to index and rank your site. You can test mobile friendliness also.

Also, our experts will give you advice if you want to shape your ideas in design
and subcategories for your site also they will guide you at the first stages that you
need to know about the usage of the website with plugins and themes along with WordPress.


Discuss about how you plan to improve your website design. Marketing Channels … Research will be the foundation of your marketing plan and should include. Competitive and transparency is main motto, when developing and finalizing the plan

Send your queries to GentleDig team via Contact form or Mail or Skype or WhatsApp.

Give us a Call at 0091 9491249139, our team is ready to help you.

 Get A Free Quote Now

Develop your way ….. You will find us responsive and responsible, transparent and always ready to listen. Our highly knowledgeable team is always ready to help and implement your ideas. We will work as per your plan.

Our team is analyze your website for common errors and mistakes that are easy to fix to grow, problems can be defined, analyzed and solved